8th Annual Hearts of Steel Shotgun Golf Scramble

Ribbon Signs

A time to celebrate and a time to remember. Along the course, we place "Ribbon" signs as a powerful reminder of the number of those diagnosed with breast cancer. Purchase a "Ribbon" to be displayed on the golf course in honor of those who have fought or are fighting breast cancer, or in memory of those who have lost their battle. Once you select 'add to cart", you will be instructed to type in the individuals first and last name.

Dinner Only

Not a golfer, not a problem. Come for dinner. Enjoy a great meal and celebrate breast cancer survivors.

Course Games

You don't want to miss out on these - Mulligans, Longest Drive, Longest Putt, Closest to the Pin, and the Marshmallow Drive. These games will also be sold the day of the event.

Auction Baskets and Door Prize

This includes 1 ticket for the door prize and 25 tickets for the auction baskets. You will receive your tickets at registration. Tickets will also be sold the day of the event.


Please consider a charitable donation if you cannot attend

"The number eighteen is symbolically meaningful because it is the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word chai, which means life."